AssetWise Director Help

File Plan Calculations

AssetWise can run a process to discover documents subject to the destruction and move instructions according to a defined schedule. This is called a disposition calculation schedule.

The archive destination of outdated documents might be a physical location such as a vault or warehouse, or an electronic location such as optical or magnetic tape storage.

Copy objects in AssetWise documents have a Media property indicating whether the copy is electronic and managed in an AssetWise repository group or non-electronic, such as hardcopy, microfiche, or another physical medium.

Multiple move disposition definitions may be defined. For non-electronic copy objects, a location object must be pre-defined prior to defining move instructions. The destination location is defined as part of the move disposition definition.

For electronic copy objects, a repository group is specified as part of the move disposition definition. These repository groups must have been pre-defined in AssetWise System Management Console.